Future Planning

During the two years of Sixth Form students will gain practical advice in such areas as researching careers and university courses, personal statement writing, developing a CV, writing letters of application for employment, interview techniques and advice on employment and apprenticeships.

Students are involved in the process of considering and applying for Higher Education and investigating alternative pathways such as apprenticeships or School Leaver opportunities. Alongside a comprehensive programme of events and trips organised by the school, students are encouraged to investigate differing courses and universities, to visit Higher Education Fairs and to attend University Open Days. For those students who wish to consider alternatives to university, a system of support and careers guidance is in place, including talks given by specialists in a number of different professions from local and national employers and TWGSB Alumni. All students have the opportunity to attend mock interviews in preparation either for university entrance and/or for the world of work.

In August, when the A Level results are published, members of staff are in school to assist with any problems that may arise.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

All students follow a Future Planning programme to prepare them for their life post-Sixth Form as well as to cope with the pressures and academic demands of A Level studies. These sessions are delivered through dedicated PSHE days and morning tutorial sessions. The programme is divided into four strands: 

Personal Development: financial planning, wider reading, presentation skills, health and well-being, relationship and sex education (RSE), team building and leadership skills.  

Learning Power: A Level mindset, study skills, revision skills, time management, and reflection and target setting. 

Future goals: Mock interviews, UCAS, careers, employability skills, gap year options and apprenticeships, CV writing, psychometric testing and interview techniques. 

Community: tutor time discussion and current affairs, inter-form competitions, volunteering, mentoring, student leadership, student council, fundraising, assemblies.

Students are entitled to careers education, information, advice and guidance which is both impartial and confidential. If you would like a careers interview, please speak to a member of the Sixth Form staff.