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Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 3

During Key Stage 3 all students study English, Mathematics, Science, RE, PE, PSHE, Geography, History, French, Spanish, Art, Music, ICT, Design Technology (Resistant Materials and Graphics) and Food Preparation and Nutrition.

In Year 7 students study French but from the start of Year 8 they also study Spanish. Throughout the key stage Drama is taught by specialist staff within a carousel arrangement for English. The subjects taught within Design Technology are different in each year group.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 all students follow a core curriculum of English Language and English Literature, Mathematics, separate Sciences, one Modern Foreign Language, PE and PSHE. In addition students choose three option subjects from the following: Art, Business, Computer Science, Drama, DT: Resistant Materials, DT: Graphical Products, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Geography, Geology, History, Media Studies, Music, Physical Education, RE and Philosophy and a second Modern Foreign Language.

Sixth Form (Key Stage 5)

All students are required to study a minimum of three A Level subjects and for the vast majority this will be the standard academic programme. However, a four A Level programme would be considered in some cases, predominantly those studying Further Mathematics in addition to Mathematics.

A Levels in some subjects are taught and examined at full A Level standard with all examinations being taken at the end of the two-year course in Year 13. Students who drop one of these subjects at the end of Year 12 will be able to take an AS exam as a stand-alone qualification, if they wish, but not until the end of Year 13. Marks received for an AS exam will not contribute towards the A Level grade. In other subjects there is still an AS exam at the end of Year 12 which counts towards the final A2.

The following subjects are generally available at A Level:
Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Computer Science, Design Technology – Product Design, Drama, Economics, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Mathematics and Further Mathematics, Media Studies, Music Technology, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish. The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is also available.

Subject Overviews

The programmes of study in each subject at TWGSB are outlined within the year group sections for each individual subject, while the Subject Curriculum Overviews provide information on the overall intent, implementation and impact of study in each subject at TWGSB.


Note, as a school TWGSB does not stream students as they are all high ability.