Medical, Pastoral and SEND

At TWGSB three separate areas of the school are combined to form an inclusive model. An inclusive model enables better communication in school and with home, as well as wraparound support for your child, both academically and pastorally. The areas are:

Medical Support


Medical Support

Any student with an ongoing diagnosed medical condition is required to have an individual care plan, drawn up by their parent or carer and discussed with Mrs Taylor, our Medical Officer ( Please contact her to discuss arrangements.

If your child requires medication while in school, please complete the relevant medical form below and return with the medicine. No medicines are allowed in school without the prior knowledge of the Medical Officer. Medicines should be handed into the Medical Officer on arrival at school and should not be carried about school in your child's bag unless your child has a life-threating diagnosis i.e. asthma, diabetes, or requires an EpiPen.

If your child is required to take medication daily for an ongoing medical diagnosis, please complete the Daily use – Stored Medicine Registration Form (i.e. controlled medicines for ADHD, epilepsy).

If your child takes medication on an occasional basis, please complete the Occasional use – Stored Medicine Registration Form (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen, antihistamines).

Please provide the minimum quantity of medication necessary. Where possible, medication should be taken out of school hours to avoid disruption to your child’s school day. If your child has asthma, diabetes or requires an EpiPen, he/she must carry medication with him/her at all times. We also require a named spare for the school to store in case the original is lost or damaged.

It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school of any changes to their child’s medical condition or medication, and to replace out-of-date medicines stored by the school. Any medication that is no longer needed or expired will be sent home via the student unless expressly requested by a parent/carer. The medical information you provide will be taken to the hospital with your son/daughter should the need arise, so it is imperative that our records are up to date.

Students who feel unwell during the school day should go to the Medical Officer who will assess them. A decision will be made as to whether the child requires to go home and a parent will be called. Children will be signed out as sick ONLY if they have visited the Medical Officer.

Please note our school policy that students with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should be kept off school until at least 48 hours after the last episode. in most cases children will recover without any treatment, but if symptoms persist, please consult your GP.

Pastoral Support

Our highly experienced and effective pastoral staff are allocated to Key Stages as follows:

Staff Location

Key Stage 3 & 4, Tunbridge Wells – Ms S Mooney

Student Services, Tunbridge Wells

Key Stage 3, Sevenoaks  – Miss D Ingham

Pastoral Office, Sevenoaks

Key Stage 5 – Mrs D Martin

Sixth Form Study Centre, Tunbridge Wells

The pastoral support offices are open 08:45–15:30, Monday–Friday.

Daily concerns about your child’s progress and well-being should be mentioned to the form tutor in the first instance.

We understand that there can be many challenges facing teenagers and their parents, both at home and at school. The pastoral team assists with ongoing pastoral and medical support, any concerns of a sensitive nature, including child protection issues, and with counselling provision. Students are aware that they can visit Student Services (next to Main Reception at the Tunbridge Wells Campus) or see Miss Ingham at the Sevenoaks Campus if they wish to speak to a member of the pastoral team. Parents with any concerns should contact us as we have a range of support services that we can offer and recommend.

Contemporary issues facing teenagers may include:

  • Bereavement
  • Cyberbullying
  • Drugs and alcohol    
  • Exam stress
  • Family break-up    
  • Friendship/relationship issues
  • Long-term illness    
  • School transition    
  • Self-harming, low self-esteem or other mental health condition

All support and discussion is offered in a sensitive and discreet manner. We recognise the value of early help and within school we have a tiered structure of support to enable students to access swift and appropriate assistance. We are able to offer appointments involving peer and pastoral mentoring, pastoral talks, counselling and emotional intelligence coaching. Students may be referred for assessment via tutors, the Head of Year, parents or the students themselves before being allocated a substructure of care. We are also able to refer to various external KCC agencies.

The school counselling service offers weekly sessions for students, both during school hours and after school. Counselling is person-centred and non-judgemental. All information discussed during an appointment will remain confidential between the student and the counselling service, unless it relates to a child protection issue (see the school’s Child Protection Policy). Brief confidential notes are kept by the counsellor, and a weekly appointment log is kept securely by the service. Students are made aware of the staff involved in their care. Attendance at any counselling appointment is voluntary, and students may withdraw at any time.

Our full-time Emotional Intelligence Coach supports our students to be the best versions of themselves. Emotional intelligence coaching is a valuable part of our support structure and covers issues such as behaviour choices and the emotions that drive them, motivation and learning confidence, and strategies to promote emotional resiliency. The coaching is high support and high challenge, and fully engages parents and carers in the process. More information can be found at

Mrs L Osborne

School Counsellor, Tunbridge Wells

Mr J Bayliss

School Counsellor, Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks

Ms R Fulton

Emotional Intelligence Coach, Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks

We are also involved in providing support for vulnerable students through close involvement with various school clubs such as Young Carers, and through Sixth Form mentoring and peer counselling.

The pastoral team is responsible for, an electronic version of a worry box, which provides a discreet opportunity for students to express any worries (small or large and on any matter) without needing to be face to face.

DorisDoris is our school therapy dog and a very important member of  Inclusion. Often found in The Hub, she is fond of a tummy rub and a gravy bone. Many students and staff find that some time with Doris will lift their mood and support their well-being.

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Compass and The Hub

TWGSB has students with a range of needs and barriers to learning. The Compass team works across both the Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks campuses in order to support all students to achieve their potential and help teaching staff to deliver their lessons according to need.

Information about individual students is shared with subject teachers and this is updated regularly. LSAs work across the school with a particular focus on KS3 classes to provide support to SEND students, often in the classroom. Interventions may be offered during tutor time, dependent on need. Where students require a higher level of designated adult support, this will be discussed with the student and parent/carers and a learning plan will be created. This will be reviewed three times a year and shared with school staff and family.

There are Compass Hubs on both campuses, each with a sensory space where students can self-regulate and calm. Access to both Hubs is by invitation only to keep numbers appropriate and the spaces calm and quiet. They can be accessed at break and lunchtimes.

The school SENCO is able to assess students to determine whether there may be an underlying barrier to learning. Students are also assessed for access arrangements in their public exams.

For all SEND enquiries please contact our SENCO at:

Stored Medicine Registration Forms

Document Title Date Download
DAILY USE Stored Meds Form 2023 18th Aug 2023 Download
OCCASIONAL USE Stored Meds Form 2023 18th Aug 2023 Download