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Governing Body

Our Responsibilities and Principles

As governors of Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys our key responsibilities include ensuring that:

  • The vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;
  • The Headteacher performs his/her responsibiities for the educational performance of the school;
  • There is sound, proper and effective use of the school's financial resources. 

As a governing body we are required to:

  • Act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interests of the school;
  • Be open about the decisions we make and the actions we take and be prepared to explain our decisions and actions to interested parties.

The governing body also has legislative responsibility and strategic oversight for the school’s safeguarding arrangements.

Skills and Experience

The Governing Body comprises:

  • The Headteacher
  • One elected staff governor
  • One appointed local authority governor
  • Two elected parent governors
  • Eleven co-opted governors

In addition, TWGSB benefits from a skilled Governor’s Clerk and the advice of a number of Associate Members, who bring a wealth of specialist knowledge to the Governing Body.  

We have a diverse, inclusive and committed Governing Body, made up of professionally qualified individuals who offer a depth of experience and knowledge across a spectrum of school activities; including teaching and learning, accounting, finance and banking, media, publications and marketing, IT, government and the charity sector.

Skills audits are conducted annually. At the conclusion of each year we consider what skills we required. We respond to any identified needs through targeted recruitment and/or training and development. This includes Full Governing Body and sub-committee briefings, experience sharing (including a mentoring system where more experienced governors share ideas and answer questions for those less experienced) and attendance at training courses.

The standard term of office for a governor is four years although a number of our governors have extended their terms, providing continuity and sustaining knowledge and experience. Associate Members are appointed for periods between one and four years. While Associate Members are not governors and therefore do not have voting rights at board level they are appointed to serve on named committees and are able to contribute specifically to issues related to their area of expertise. Associate Members have full voting rights on the committees to which they are appointed. We have a good balance of new and established governors and Associate Members bringing knowledge, experience, challenge and fresh perspectives.

To encourage involvement, for the development of all governors and succession planning, each governor has a designated role as chair or vice-chair of a sub-committee/governor team and/or an important monitoring responsibility.

Consistent with the ethos of the school, all of our meetings are open and friendly. Where appropriate, frank discussions take place and all governors are encouraged to express their views – which they do.