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Head of Science: Mr D Brady

2nd i/c Science: Mr R Osborn

Teachers: Mr D Brown, Ms L Hunter, Miss J Mawn, Mrs E Vikram

Technicians: Miss N Flach, Mrs S Gash, Miss V O’Brien, Mrs C Sheridan, Miss N Wicks (Sevenoaks)

Years 7–9 are taught general Science until Year 10 when Physics, Chemistry and Biology are taught as separate subjects. We aim to inspire and enthuse students about Biology and living organisms through investigating, observing, experimenting, testing out ideas, and thinking about them. We look at the basic unit of life, the cell, and explore how cells perform specific functions within organisms, and how these organisms relate to, and shape, the environment in which we live. [Updated 2024/25]

Co-curricular activities

The A Level course includes an opportunity to attend a one-day field studies course at Wakehurst Place. Further enrichment is provided through a KS3 Science Club. We also run a biology clinic and offer additional enrichment activities for Year 12s.

Curriculum overview

DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.
Bill Gates, The Road Ahead

Years 7, 8 and 9

Science KS3

In KS3 we study a modified version of the AQA Activate Science scheme. This is taught by one or two teachers as a general combined Science lesson. In Year 7 biology topics include cells and tissues; the structure and function of the body; and reproduction in plants and animals. in Year 8 students go on to study healthy lifestyle, ecosystems, adaptation and inheritance.

National curriculum

GCSE: Years 9, 10 and 11

Biology 9 11


Students begin to study for their Biology GCSE midway through Year 9 after finishing their KS3 studies. Students will usually cover cell biology and organisation. In Year 10 students study infection and response; bioenergetics; and homeostasis and response. In Year 11 students study inheritance; variation and evolution; and ecology.

Exam board: AQA

Course specification

A Level: Years 12 and 13

Biology 12 13

Practical work is carried out throughout Year 12 and 13.

Assessment at the end of Year 13 consists of three written papers:

  • Biological Processes: 2¼ hours written paper (100 marks, 37% of total A Level)
  • Biological Diversity: 2¼ hours written paper (100 marks, 37% of total A Level)
  • Unified Biology: 1½ hours written paper (70 marks, 26% of total A level)

Practical skills are embedded within the course and are assessed throughout the written examinations, as well as through a separate Practical Endorsement.

Exam board: OCR

Course specification

Careers Education

A Level Biology is a widely required and highly regarded 'facilitating' subject that will help students gain entry to many careers. It is a requirement for many very competitive degree courses where sound scientific skills are required. As a department we have a good track record of facilitating the high grades that are demanded for courses such as Medicine, Veterinary and Biomedical Science degrees.

The department offers specific guidance to students applying for Biology-related courses, and runs a lunchtime club for students interested in pursuing Medicine and related courses.  

We actively encourage students to participate in work experience, and to take up extra-curricular opportunities in the subject, and provide opportunities for mock interviews for university courses.
Careers opportunities are emphasised where appropriate as an intrinsic part of the Biology curriculum.

