Head of Department: Miss N Aplakova
Teachers: Mrs A Abu-Hayyeh, Mr L de Carvalho, Mr Y-S Chan, Mrs S Codling, Mr J Livingston, Mr A Makhija, Mr A McClellan, Mr L Morris, Mrs C Sandhu
Mathematics is a creative and interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. [Updated 2024/25]
The Mathematics department organises individual maths challenges run by the UK Mathematics Trust throughout the year for specific year groups. Each year, four Year 8 and 9 pupils are entered for the UKMT Team Maths Challenge. An inter-house Maths challenge is also organised for Year 7 pupils at the end of the academic year. The Maths Trail trip to Rye, and the Maths Inspiration Visit are some of the trips that are run during the year.
Maths Clinic offers help to pupils in Years 7–13. It is supervised by staff but gives Sixth Form mathematicians the opportunity to help younger students.
A mathematician can have his head in an oven and his feet in ice, but on average he will always be fine.
Three 1½ hour papers of equal weighting, taken at the end of Year 11.
Higher Tier (grades 9 to 4) or Foundation Tier (grades 5 to 1) depending on individual progress.
Course specification TO COME
A grade 7 in Maths at GCSE is required. Students need to have covered grade 7/8 material and be proficient in Algebra in order to access the A Level course. Further Maths requires GCSE Maths grade 8 or above.
The A Level content is 100% prescribed, containing both Pure Mathematics (Algebra, Calculus and Functions), and Applied Mathematics drawn from Statistics (Data and Probability), and Mechanics (Forces and Motion).
A Level Further Maths content contains 50% compulsory Core Pure and 50% of optional content, which currently consists of Decision Maths and Further Statistics.
All exams take place at the end of Year 13, all calculator papers. Overarching themes of mathematical argument, language and proof, problem solving and mathematical modelling underpin all parts of the qualifications. The use of technology in the classroom is expected and some exam questions will be based on a large data set that will students will have access to throughout the course which will be used as part of classwork and homework.
Course specification TO COME
We have a very successful track record of preparing students for studying Maths and related areas such as engineering, finance, computing and the sciences via some of the top university courses or straight entry to employment or apprenticeships. Year 10–13 students can attend lectures and presentations on many applications of Maths in the real world.
Our co-curricular provision enables students to participate in a range of activities to enhance their experiences and employment or university prospects. These include supporting younger pupils, taking part in competitions such as code breaking and team challenges, Maths Inspiration Trips, and studying for additional examinations such as STEP.