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Year 13 Leavers' Assembly


We had a thoroughly enjoyable grand farewell on Friday 17th May, it was a joyful morning, tinged with some sadness. Ms Simpson made her farewell to Year 13 speech especially important in exploring self-respect and self-esteem in this highly competitive world.

Our students enjoyed some superb live music performances from our Year 13 Band, ably supported on saxophone by Mr Joris. Their rendition of the theme tune from Friends was particularly relevant (and emotional).

Representatives from AGE UK and Smart Works accepted their cheques (£1,500 each) with real gratitude for our students' fund-raising efforts. Tutors gave warm praise to their tutees which was well received. Then it was time for cake and shirt signing!

We wish all of our Year 13 students a bright, healthy, happy future. Keep in touch and all the very best for your examinations.

It has been an absolute pleasure watching you grow and develop into mature young adults with bright aspirational futures.