Post-Results Services 2024

TWGSB supports the post-results services listed in Table 1 below. To request a Review of Results (RoR) service and/or an Access to Scripts (ATS) service, a candidate needs to submit an online application form, linked below, for each exam paper. The fees and deadlines for each service are listed below in Tables 2a and 2b.

Please be aware that by submitting the application form, the candidate and his/her parents are giving consent to the Head of Centre to submit a post-results service. In giving consent, the candidate must understand that the final subject grade and/or mark awarded following a post-results service may be lower than, higher than, or the same as the result that was originally awarded.

OPENING HOURS: Please note that the TWGSB Exams Office will be open during the holidays, from 09:00 to 12:00, on the following days only: 15th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd and 27th August 2024.

How to apply for a post-results service

  1. Complete the form: The candidate must complete the following online application form using their school Office 365 login (parents cannot complete the form). Remember that a separate application is required for each exam paper: 
    A Level and GCSE.
    Make payment: After the candidate has submitted the application form, the Exams Office will ask Finance to set up the necessary payment request(s) in the parent's Iris +Pay/Parentmail account. Please allow 24 hours for the payment portal to be ready.
    The candidate's request will be processed by the Exams Office only after the payment have been made. Please make payment within five working days after the submission of the application form. The application will be deleted if the fee is not received by TWGSB within five working days.
  2. Receive confirmation: The Exams Office will inform the candidate when his/her request(s) has been submitted to the exam board(s).
  3. Await the outcome: The Exams Office will inform the candidate when the outcome has been issued. (The fees will be refunded if the candidate has been issued an overall grade for the qualification and this changes as a result of a RoR.)

Table 1. Post-results services summary

Service code

Post-results service

Details of the service


Review of Results Service 1: Clerical re-check

This service will include the following checks: that all parts of the script have been marked; the totalling of marks; the recording of marks.


Review of Results Service 2: Review of marking

This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the mark scheme has been applied correctly. They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking. This service will include the clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1.


Review of Results Priority Service 2: Review of marking

This is the same service as Service 2, but the script is reviewed as a priority, therefore a request for this service must be submitted to the earlier deadline. (This service is available only for A Level.) If the student has a university place pending, we advise that you request a priority review of marking.


Access to Script: Copy of script to support review of marking

This is a priority service that ensures copies of scripts are returned in sufficient time to allow decisions to be made whether a non-priority review of marking should be applied for.


Table 2a. Fees and deadlines: A Levels

Post-results service

Internal deadline





RoR1: Service 1

Clerical re-check






RoR2: Service 2

Review of marking






RoR2P: Priority Service 2

Review of marking (A Level only)






ATS (access to script) 

Copy of script to support review of marking







Table 2b. Fees and deadlines: GCSEs

Post-results service

Internal deadline





RoR1: Service 1

Clerical re-check






RoR2: Service 2

Review of marking






ATS (access to script)  

Copy of script to support review of marking






PLEASE NOTE, all GCSE review of marking requests must wait until 1st September 2024 unless the student has not met the entrance criteria for returning to TWGSB. Please be mindful that most of the exam boards estimate 20 calendar days for a review of marking – it is a lengthy process.